A broad term for a big broad (that’s me)

Unfortunately, I am human, and that means I love to find patterns, make categories, to define.That’s why “theatremaking” as a term has always freaked me out - big, confusing, amalgamus, almost undefinable. Well, until I had to make a website.

This brilliant umbrella term helped me synthesize the rest of my practice into one page! Below, you will see my history as a

Stage Manager, Director,

& Production Assistant.

I am so lucky to have gotten to contribute to and support the development of these wonderful pieces, as well as to have met some of the most remarkable creatives in the world.

Have a production going up with an open slot on the creative team? Need a show wrangler, mangler, or oth-er? Saddle me up, cause I’m your girl!



Script Coordinator

& Assistant Stage Manager



Devised & performed by the Moonfish Theatre Ensemble

WINNER: Best Set & Costume Design, Dublin Fringe Festival

WINNER: Best Performer, Dublin Fringe Festival

Photo Credit: Patricio Cassinoni


  • Dublin Fringe Festival, Dublin, Ireland (2023)

  • Baboró International Arts Festival for Children, Galway, Ireland (2023)

I was involved with the development process, as well as the preparation for both festivals.

(Written by the current creative team): A stunning new show from Moonfish Theatre, ‘The Crow’s Way’ follows Gerda as she braves the dark and unpredictable world of the forest in a quest to save her best friend.

'The Crow’s Way' is a fairytale for our times that explores individuality and community through the lens of our relationship with nature. Who decides the rules of a group? What happens when someone can’t follow those rules? How can a group take account of every person’s individuality and create a community that allows everyone - and every living thing - to flourish? Instead of controlling nature, how can humans learn to live ecologically, as part of the natural world?

Stage Manager



Created by Esther Almazan Devised by the Y&B Creative Team Poster Credit: Shane McDonagh


  • Galway Theatre Festival, Bank of Ireland Theatre, Galway, Ireland (2023)

I helped with the development and production of Yaqui & Béal for their 2023 performance.

The ensemble grew and went on to perform in the 2024 GTF in the Bank of Ireland Theatre!

(Written by the current creative team): An immortal Stagman and an undead spirit wander through Yaqui and Béal: Yoeme and Irish in Conversation, along with the more serious themes of industrial schools and sacred land. Our play explores the commonalities between Native Americans and Irish. Both scripted and devised, this theatrical experience combines legends and wisdom from Irish, and Sonoran Yoeme elders, and may include a few of your own!

We welcome conceived work that infuses stories from our audiences.




Written by Ash Behrend

Photo/Poster Credit: Jess Harkin


  • HystERia Téatar @ Town Hall Theatre, Galway, Ireland (2023)

(Written by Ash Behrend): Riley’s life changed when enormous black wings sprouted from their back. The family wants to hide Riley’s wings. The doctors want to remove Riley’s wings. If everyone hates those black wings…does Riley have to hate them too?

A work-in-progress play written by Ashley Behrend and presented in collaboration with HystERia Téatar, The Northside Raven explores broken relationships, fear of the unknown, forgiveness and the rigorous journey of learning to love and accept your true self.

Production Assistant


PENELOPE & THE GEESE (a new opera)

Written by Cheri Magid Composed by Milica Paranosic

Photo Credits: Lara St. John


  • Making of the Trailer, Saugerties, NY, USA (2020)

  • Cast Recording, Area52 Studios, Saugerties, NY USA (2021)

I helped to plan the recording of the trailer and the cast album, and was on set to make sure everything ran smoothly.

This show went on to be performed in Corfu, Greece; Saugerties, NY, USA; and Newark, DE, USA.

(Written by the current creative team): Penelope gives voice to the female characters in The Odyssey—and only the female characters—who were under-explored in the original text.

Penelope And the Geese largely takes place in Penelope’s mind as she remembers, feels, loves, despairs, celebrates, and ultimately decides to tell Odysseus the truth about her life in his twenty-year absence. While she yearned constantly for his return, she also took many lovers, and wove locks of their hair into a blanket that is hers alone.  Goddesses, demigoddesses, and slaves join Penelope in singing of their own loves and losses and the way the gods have conspired to contain them.