I love people and I love puppets. I love camp and I love gore. I love bathroom humor. I love music and I love nature. I love feeling like I belong, and I love making others feel the same.

I write about all of the things that I love.

By imbuing love into the fabric of my work, I aim to create welcoming spaces where audiences can feel loved, express love, and share love with one another in many different ways. I want to use my work build a consistent community for those that wish to be a part of it - one that encourages play, fun, and acceptance of all.

~ FUN ~ PLAY ~


These are the tenants that make up me and my work, sitting right at my surface and bubbling all the way down to my own molten core. Let me explain -

With my work, I aim to remind people of the value of fun (including myself). I write plays, operas, and variety shows about big, high-octane worlds filled with fantastical creatures and silly farcical moments that audience members can get lost in, shedding their outside worries and responsibilities.

I experiment with different forms of ritual, participation, community, and collaboration in order to help people get to their feet and physicalize their fun.

I combine interactive theatre with elements of children's theatre, such as song, dance, games, puppets, and puzzles, to turn the theatre space into your (yes your) elementary school playground.

This encouragement of an individual’s inner child allows for people to return to a time where they didn’t harbor any judgements towards fun, creating a safe space for people to play without boundaries both individually and collectively.

This is what I love to make and how I love to make it. I hope we will make something together!